+Psico APP: Solving the Remote Psychology Problem During COVID-19 Pandemic

Produc Design
Design Thinking
UX Research
Usability Test

The project aimed to enhance pandemic-era psychology accessibility, utilizing the Double Diamond methodology and UX tools. Research, benchmarking, and surveys informed a focus on optimizing telemedicine for vulnerable Brazilians' mental health. Prototyping, using paper sketches and low-fidelity designs in Figma, led to a refined telemedicine platform after the first usability test. The outcome significantly improves mental health access for vulnerable populations in Brazil.




This project's goal was to come up with a way to make psychology more accessible during the pandemic while taking into account both patients and psychologists as well as all the factors applied to this particular moment.


🙋🏻‍♂️ - Hey, since I value your time, I've decided to present the project in three parts so you can skip to the sections you're most interested in if you like.

Part 1: You’re here!

Part 2: UX Research

Part 3: UI Design

Methodology and Tools

We applied the Double Diamond methodology and UX Design tools to find the best solution alternatives.

Double Diamond is a methodology of Design Thinking focused on solving problems. A way to interact and deliver the best choice to the final user.

It is used to understand users, bring and engage teams, generate innovation and impact, and facilitate communication and agility, and consists of two phases (diamonds) with two steps each.

Roles and Responsabilities

  • Desk research and benchmarking/ competitors analysis

  • User research and analysis of prioritization

  • User experience design

  • Alternative solutions and visual design

  • Usability tests

Current scenario

The Brazilian populace has been through a revolution since 2019, prompted by the new COVID-19 pandemic, and forced to adapt to the online world where remote care has been legal since 2020. Problems like anxiety and depression that already existed in this new setting were significantly more evident.

“During the pandemic, the situation worsened: a study carried out by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) revealed a 90% increase in cases of depression. The number of people with anxiety attacks and symptoms of acute stress practically doubled between March and April 2020.”

Even though before the COVID-19 epidemic, Brazil was already one of the top countries in the world for stress, depression, and anxiety cases, the rising figures emphasize how important it is to continue receiving psychological support in the face of such a pressing need in adaptation.

The IBGE estimates that the country's worst average unemployment rate occurred during the pandemic and will affect 13.4 million people by 2020.

As a result, the population in this scenario is worried about the possibility of losing their jobs.

On the one hand, this has led to a rise in the number of people who need psychiatric treatment but are either unable to pay for it or are not aware that they do. On the other hand, some psychologists work across various platforms and are attempting to figure out how to best adapt to the environment that is primarily digital and the way their patients are arranged while emphasizing the importance of ongoing psychological care.



Before moving on to the following steps, we quickly analyze the leading market competitors to understand their advantages and the best possible opportunities.



Based on the certainties through the above scenario, we raised some certainties, suppositions and doubts about the users. For this, we arranged our ideas using the CSD technique (Certainties, Assumptions, and Doubts), which helped us identify what needed to be confirmed in the future through more study.


Prioritizing the most crucial information to be discovered was essential in light of the uncertainties and suppositions. To determine which hypotheses should be validated, we use the Impact and Knowledge Matrix. With the hypothesis that we would know less and have a bigger impact on the project, it was possible to arrange the questionnaire in this way.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

After deciding which hypotheses needed to be tested, we created two questionnaires using Google Forms and distributed them to psychologists and potential patients for 3 (three) days.

We noticed a polarisation regarding migration for the digital service; 58.3% said it is not possible to service only remotely, compared to 41.7%. Therefore some questions needed to be further explored for a better understanding, particularly regarding the values considered to be higher than the price by patients and the scenarios where there would be greater price flexibility on the part of psychologists. Consequently, it was necessary to do qualitative research.

Check the process in more detail at +Psico APP: X Research Process

Insights and Briefing

"I'm an investor who wants to improve the lives of those who need psychiatric assistance but are too busy or who prefer to work with specialists who are more qualified or more affordable in other locations. Your task is to develop a technologically aided response to the most typical mental problems.”

The Challenge

How can we optimize telemedicine chances to assist vulnerable Brazilians' mental health?

Business goal

The business goals were stipulated based on the S.M.A.R.T methodology, being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timeless.

In this approach, we hope to build a platform that enables people to look for psychologists with reasonable fees and the option of social sections in times of financial need. It also enables the execution of online sessions in a secure environment free from interruptions.

The platform will offer psychologists access to a place where they can manage their schedule, check each patient's file, and get appointment fees directly from the site. So, we expect that:

  • 94% of people who would like to do therapy online, schedule their appointment within the first 03 days at +Psico;

  • 70% of registered people who are consulting online remain registered with +Psico (estimate);

  • 54% of people who have never had therapy, book their first appointment online at +Psico within the first 05 days;

  • 65% of registered psychologists perform at least one social service;

Personas and User’s Journey


Pedro, who is starting to feel more anxious and alone, recognizes he needs to get professional help after reading a post on Instagram about the increase in the incidence of psychiatric issues in Brazil. After speaking with a few experts and discarding them due to their prices, He searches online and finds a psychologist whose fee is in line with your reality.


Experienced psychologist Dr. Leila got into trouble when she was forced to close her office by government directive. She now gathers domestic chores as a mother of a family without the assistance of a maid.


“How can we optimize telemedicine chances to assist vulnerable Brazilians' mental health?"

Solution Alternatives

To define a solution, after brainstorming using techniques such as How Might We, a 4-step sketch technique was used (Annotations, Free Drawings, Crazy 8’s and Scribbles) where we focused on an intuitive platform for the patient, organized and that allows support for the clinic for the psychologist and, above all, that makes it possible to direct the patient to the appropriate psychologist for their profile.

Paper Prototype

In the prototyping phase, it is possible to make tactile interactions, close to the reality, of the developed ideas.

This prototyping was done with MarvelApp using freehand drawing.

Click here for the paper prototype and here for the UI process in more detail.

Prototype and Delivery

Low Fidelity

At this stage, all ideas were discussed remotely by the team using Zoom and developed with Figma.

First Usability Test

Five patients and five psychologists were recruited for the first test, and it was discovered that:

  • In general, patients were able to schedule appointments online, and psychologists were able to conduct the day's first appointment according to their schedule;

  • Although they had no trouble completing the activities, we found that some users required some time to comprehend that the search results screen was a scrolling page. The screen's scroll bar can be used for this.

  • We observed that the psychologists required a few seconds to understand what was on the patient's file screen. This issue will be resolved by including the title of the open menu, such as “file”, “schedule”, etc.

See the prototype of the low-fidelity patient here and the low-fidelity psychologist here.

Wireframes and User Flow

Based on the sketches, wireframes were designed along with the flow to be followed by the patient to book a remote appointment and by the psychologist to open the first activity of the day:

High Fidelity

View the patient’s prototype in high fidelity here.

Conclusions and Learnings

It was encouraging to observe how the use of UX tools developed and matured throughout the process.

I was initially inspired to work as a team to gain the practical experience and skill of group work through Leandro Rezende's UX Unicórnio course sessions. With that, I was able to learn about and put into practice a variety of tools for better User Experience Design practice alongside colleagues Douglas Scherer and Juliene Silva, as well as apply previously learned skills like Design Thinking to make it easier to find the best solution to the user's problem.

We progress in this approach from the research stage to ideation and the initial low-fidelity wireframes. Through this activity, we gain practical experience with the remote work routine in a group setting using the most popular technologies, like Trello, Slack, and Figma, in addition to the UX tools (where we seek to develop not only collectively, but also individually, in for personal development at the UI).

One of the many lessons I've learnt is that a product is never truly finished because the user will continue to interact with it and there is always room for improvement while focusing on the greatest possible user experience.

As a result, I believe the project's next stage should be a new usability test to determine whether the modifications made to the prototype were successful and to identify the key issues that users might run into. The success of the product will also be evaluated using the metrics.

Finally, after having completed my first significant project, I am confident in my ability to apply my recently acquired UX Design skills to provide the best alternative solutions for the widest number of issues the market might present. Always keep in mind that learning is a continuous process and that knowledge and experience work together.