
UI Design
Dashboard Design
Web Design

Redesigning Hypedocs involved mapping the user journey, researching B2B websites, and proposing a cohesive landing page. Despite budget constraints, engaging with the CEO elevated my advisory role and communication skills, incorporating metrics and case studies. The startup's ownership culture emphasized the value of my work. Moving forward, my UI/UX focus includes accessibility, validation, metrics analysis, and user interviews for continuous improvement.

Web, responsive


The Project

This project’s goal is to design a modern dashboard to launch the new version of Hypedocs, previously set only as a plugin for Slack, as well as design a new landing page for a B2B approach.


Hypedocs, a Canadian startup located in Toronto, ON, has a mission to combat imposter syndrome by tracking users' accomplishments. They achieve this goal by utilizing Slack to set reminders for users' objectives and achievements.

Roles and Responsabilities

  • Design a new Landing page for a B2B approach;

  • Design a modern dashboard


To better understand the product I started mapping the actual journey on the website, from accessing the landing page until signing up for the product.

In addition, I researched b2b websites, comparing their content, design and language with the existing Hypedocs landing page.

Landing Page

According to what was asked regarding colours and elements, that was my suggestion for the landing page (click here to see it).


The dashboard was a solution for the assets that needed to be implemented, as well as a more professional way to present them to the users.

Originally, the product was a plugin for Slack, but with the pivoting on the main target, a redesign for a new release was necessary in order to present the product in a more appealing way to bigger companies, instead of for small startups and individual users.

The main components for the dashboard and the new Hypedocs product are

  • Mission statement

  • Current Goals

  • Hypes (accomplishments)

  • Shortcut to Slack’s plugin

Conclusion and Next Steps

Working with Hypedocs, a small startup facing budget constraints, presented a unique opportunity for me to step into a more leading and advisory role, engaging directly with the CEO to advocate for my design approach.

Navigating limited resources was not a new challenge, but this experience elevated my communication skills to a senior level. I learned to articulate ideas by incorporating metrics, successful case studies, and examples from other companies.

Despite the budget constraints, the startup fostered a culture of ownership, highlighting the intrinsic value of my work, knowledge, and experience in a growth-oriented environment.

Looking ahead in UI/UX design, my focus shifts towards accessibility, validation, metrics analysis, and potential user interviews to evaluate the product's successes and identify areas for improvement.